Making the most of PR School: Lessons Learned

By Sabrina Lavi

Editor’s Note: This was Sabrina’s Persuasive Writing Speech assignment for her Writing course. 

Post-secondary school. College. These words represent the promise and hope of obtaining a job, a skill set and a career, or for some of us, a second chance at reinventing ourselves.

Looking back on my journey through the public relations – corporate communications program at Centennial College, I am reminded of how all I wanted to do was to come to class, obtain the information I needed, complete the assignments and graduate. But what I learned and experienced was so much more than I could have ever imagined.

After spending twenty plus hours a week with the same group of individuals, it’s no wonder that we all bonded on some strange level. We became this group of individuals with collective goals, fears, desires and dreams. We worked together, to complete our group assignments, plan events and even socialize on the off chance we didn’t have an assignment due at 11:59 p.m.

We did more than just survive the program – we thrived. We learned to work in assigned teams and deal with the natural conflict that is present when multiple opinions and schools of thought are placed in front of one another. We learned to trust and understand the thoughts and opinions of others, instead of only listening to the ideas rattling within the confines of our own minds.

In retrospect, the only things I wish I knew before entering this program would be to prepare myself for long nights and early mornings. I wish I knew how I would learn to function after losing sleep for two days in a row or the stress that would consume me as I prepared to host an event for the first time. I wish I would have known how attached I would have become to some of my classmates and how some of the bonds that have been forged will carry on long past the final class and after I step outside the walls of the Story Arts Centre.

But most importantly, I wish I would have known how much I would have grown as a person, both on a personal and professional level. While these last six months have been tiring, I have learned so much more about myself than I could have ever thought before. I learned after so many years of searching for a field that suits my personality and strengths; I have finally found my place. I learned the importance of removing myself from my comfort zone in order to truly appreciate what I have to offer. I am ready and I am prepared to tackle the next chapter of my life.

As newly admitted Centennial public relations students, I encourage you to soak up every opportunity to grow both inside the classroom and out. I encourage you all to see past the degrees you’ve obtained or the knowledge that you have and remain open to learning about yourself, your abilities and the community of individuals that surrounds you.  Seize the chance to network, socialize and engage with the world around you. This is the beginning of your budding career as a public relations practitioner; don’t forget to make the most of it.

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