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Student Event: CC&PR Rock & Bowl

Bowling, the Alzheimer Society of Toronto and the 1950s: what more could you want?

Rock & Bowl event logoOn Thursday, April 14, 2011, Corporate Communications & Public Relations students will host a 1950s-themed bowling tournament to raise funds for the Alzheimer Society of Toronto.

The tournament will be a part of an amazing retro themed evening, which will include music, fun prizes, a photo booth and a raffle. Feel like dressing on theme? Go for it! Either way, there will be plenty of ways to get into our retro theme, from poodle skirts to root beer floats and some classic rock & roll.

Bathurst Bowlerama is located at 2788 Bathurst Street, just a five minute walk from Glencairn Station. Check in starts at 6:30 p.m., and the event will run from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Tickets are $25 and include two games of ten-pin bowling, shoe rental and a classic diner style meal. Guests will also have the opportunity to receive a $5, $10 or $25 rebate on their ticket, through raising pledges and donations from friends, families and coworkers before the event.

Tickets are available through Eventbrite and more information can be found on the Rock & Bowl Facebook page and event page.

Proceeds from Rock & Bowl will go to the Alzheimer Society of Toronto, which offers support, information and education to people with dementia, their families and their caregivers, increases public awareness of dementia, promotes research, and advocates for services that respect the dignity of the individual.

Come out to Rock & Bowl, have some fun and take a swing at Alzheimer’s!

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